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Student Scholarship

Hello Students,
If you love to learn Mathematics, secure a better grade and stay way ahead in the race,you can apply for one of the following two (2) scholarships within the 15th of next month. Each scholarship is worth of $79 a month and entitles you unlimited online mathematics tutoring with one of our best math tutors for two (2) months. Named as AAfter Search Scholarship and TutorTeddy Scholarship, these scholarships are intended to help American students to bring out their best in mathematics. Our program enables you to achieve lot better by driving you through different difficulty level of mathematical problems.Presently India, China and many other countries in the world adopted this method of learning and your counterparts in those countries have excelled in mathematics.
The scholarships are presently open for local US students only. We may conduct a screening test and contact your present school/college. Please fill up the form below with true information.

Person or Company/Foundation willing to fund scholarship, click here

Please fill up all the fields

Full Name*
Year of Birth
Current grade level
Name of Educational Institution
E-mail address*

(Please give your actual Email ID so that we can contact you.)
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Phone Number
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TutorTeddy.com & Boston Predictive Analytics

[ Email your Statistics or Math problems to tutor@aafter.com (camera phone photos are OK) ]

Boston Office (Near MIT/Kendall 'T'):
Cambridge Innovation Center,
One Broadway, 14th Floor,
Cambridge, MA 02142,
Phone: 617-395-8864

Dallas Office (Near Galleria):
15950 Dallas Parkway,
Suite 400,
Dallas, TX 75248,
Phone: 866-930-6363

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