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Complete Customized Bengal Math (TM) Program that worked for 100 years

For FREE Consultation & Today's Discount Call 866-930-6363

  • Built-in Intelligent Math Testing to compare students' progress with that of students from Russia, China, India and other countries.
  • Curriculum that has been working for last 100 years, similar programs from Thomas Edison's time
  • One book covers all grade specific content like Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry (Spiral, 175 to 950 Pages, 8.5 x 11 in)
  • Personalized Instructions
  • Worksheets and Quiz of 500 to 1000 math problems
  • Answer keys
  • Solution keys to some problems
  • Preparation for Math Olympiad and SAT
  • 16 hours x 6 days support
  • Reusable Curriculum for Revisions
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Saxon Math Curriculum
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Affordable Bengal Math Curriculum for Home Schooling

America sent man to moon, invented transistors, integrated circuits, and computers and so on. However, we can do better; accelerate innovation by having more challenging Math curriculum to match the exceptional level of intelligence of our children; a math program that will increase the expectation of what our young generation can achieve.

Built-in Intelligent Math Testing to compare students' progress with that of students from Russia, China, India and other countries.

We make Math more fun by going back to basics that did work for the past 50 to 100 years. This is the similar Math curriculum that educated famous inventors and scientists like Thomas Edison, Einstein, Bose (inventor of Bose-Einstein Statistics, Boson), Raman and so on.

Learning Math using our curriculum involves days of gathering concepts and facts in a systematic way, followed by the pleasure of gaining insights into apparent unknowns in multi-dimensional problems. We are not against new tools of learning math without lowering expectations.

Tutorteddy.com not only provides time tested curriculum and instructions, it also adds higher expectation and some hand holding to the mix to make it very effective.

We promise you 30 days money back guarantee.

What Is Included in 175 to 400 Pages of Each Book?

Our curriculum is organized by grades for home-schoolers, and personalized if requested by parents. However, grade information can be removed from the curriculum for students not limited by grades systems.

Curriculum Includes:

  1. Personalized Instructions
  2. Worksheets and Quiz of about 400 to 1600 math problems for every grade (grade specific algebra, arithmetic, geometry, measurements, statistics, probability and calculus - no separate charges)
  3. Answer keys to worksheets and quizzes
  4. Solution keys to some problems
  5. Built-in Intelligent Math Testing to compare with the international standards
  6. Preparation for Math Olympiad and SAT (separate charges, and grade specific)
  7. 16 hours x 6 days support (optional and for nominal charges)


3rd Grade Curriculum

3rd Grade Curriculum

5th Grade Curriculum

5th Grade Curriculum

7th Grade Curriculum

7th Grade Curriculum

10th Grade Curriculum

10th Grade Curriculum

4th Grade Curriculum

4th Grade Curriculum

6th Grade Curriculum

6th Grade Curriculum

8th Grade Curriculum

8th Grade Curriculum

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